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worth a look: a curtain at the front door

yes, it looks grand & dramatic, 
but it's also a very green & easy way to insulate your home.
source:  via radish medley via apartment therapy on pinterest
read about this european tradition on apartment therapy.


red riding hood

inspired by 

source:  stacie gareau-vaughan via cutelikemeblog via on pinterest
vintage little red riding hood book from marciashouse via etsy
becky riding boot by coconuts by via dsw
linzor hood by augden via anthropologie
jungle red by nars
homemade strawberry champagne jam by freshbatchjams via etsy
cranberry orange scones by jewelofthelion via etsy
vintage knitting needles from sesameandsparrow via etsy
source:  golddstwmn via flickr via on pinterest
source:  ursula walter via awelltraveledwoman on pinterest


worth a look: wendy's lookbook

25 ways to wear a scarf in 4.5 minutes
even those of us living on the tropic of cancer are breaking out the scarves.
this is a rather handy video by a rather stylish blogger.


bunny ears

i didn't sleep well last night.  i actually woke myself up yelling, "just let me sleep!" needless to say, i felt really tired today. so, i aimlessly rode my bicycle around, exploring the city, stopping first to buy an espresso.

found these adorable rabbit earrings in a local korean dress shop.  i love that from a distance they look simple & classic, but up close, so cute 
... my new everyday pair.


letting go ... what it feels like to leave everything you own

my old place
i've never been one to amass collections of anything.  so far in my life, i've moved ... allot ... allot allot ... over 30 times before moving out after high school allot.  my first apartment things were clothes, a bed, 2 chairs, a kitty, my paintings, & a clunky desktop computer (no desk, mind you).  in the next apartment, very little changed except that i bought a desk & had made a few more paintings.  my places were empty to the point of, upon me opening my front door to accept some late night vegan pizza, people would ask if i was moving out.  this was due to 3 factors:  1. i had no money;  2.  i am quite picky & always hold out for what i want & will not waste what little money i have on settling;  & 3.  every-time i moved (almost once a year), i purged & simplified my belongings.

eventually, i was able to have a fairly well stocked home, a gorgeous steel dining table, a few mid century pieces, my giant easel ... then one morning, my droid buzzed new e-mails & there was a message alerting me that our 5 year goal of moving to thailand to volunteer was shortened to 3 months.  moving our things was NOT an option, & i didn't want my most cherished belongings sitting in some dark storage bin, of no use to anyone.  we had to sell & give everything away.  we spent the next few months on craigslist, ebay, & hauling things to vintage shops.
everything we own & our kitties on the morning of our flight
when you actually begin to sort out, label, & sell every ...  single  ...  thing, you own, you are overwhelmed with HOW MUCH you actually have.  then, once things start to disappear, & shelves empty, you notice something ... your daily life is the same ... you don't miss it.  

think about it.  have you ever gone on vacation & completely enjoyed your life, even wishing you didn't have to go home?  you probably only had a suitcase or two with you, & yet, you managed to function.  
everything on one luggage trolly
now, i'm not telling you to sell everything you own & move to another country.  i'm not saying owning things is bad.  however, being able to let go of everything has taught me how little we all actually need.

source:  national geographic via mymodernmet via wendy casey on pinterest  more on the real up house
during my packing one day, i watched up & couldn't help but identify with the old man when he cut his home free.  he had learned that although he had lovely memories attached to that home full of things, they weren't actually those memories.  in his case, & mine, he had to let it go in order to let something amazing in.


f+f: post nap

took an amazingly long nap after a competition in surin, threw on a skirt, & went on a walk in search of a vegan restaurant, saw some elephants, came back to the hotel victorious, stuffed myself w/ veggies, & fell asleep by 8.

cardigan: target clearance
skirt: anthropologie hand me down
camisole: urban outfitters imperfection clearance


it's just paper

dawn ng
 maria ikonomopoulou
 nataliya kuzil
24° studio
the makerie
the makerie
mia pearlman
paul hayes
yuken teruya
yulia brodskaya
yulia brodskaya


now follow the gael gallery on google+


2 years

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


beauty ... nyfw s/s 2012

looks were kept simple, relaxed, & ... yes, pretty.
the row
alexandre herchcovitch
gretchen jones
jason wu
jason wu
michael kors
oscar de la renta
oscar de la renta
ports 1961
richard chai


tribal ... nyfw s/s 2012

ever since moving east, i've been loving more & more tribal inspired pieces.
mara hoffman
mara hoffman
mara hoffman
mara hoffman
costello tagliapietra
costello tagliapietra
hervé léger
jen kao
jen kao